What do you think of my magazine?

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Title Blocks Analysis

The style of the Rolling Stone title does not show any genre of the magazine as it’s written in a fancy handwriting so you wouldn’t think the title would be of a rock magazine but from the title you can tell that it could be a rock magazine as there is a rock band called the rolling stones and it could be related to the band type of music. The colour of the title is a basic single colour. The tone of the red is bright which makes the title stand out and appeal to readers but otherwise it does not show any other information about the magazine from the colours.
The rolling stone title shows that the magazine varies from music which are more of the olden type such as the rolling stones themselves and Bon Jovi, yet still introducing new artist. The title Rolling Stone, as it’s a rock genre magazine, can be taken from the rock band The Rolling Stones and be inspired by their music to create a magazine on behalf. The style of the magazine title is handwriting based and it looks like more of the old 90’s time, this created a target audience of readers between 16+ and who are into rock music.

The title of Q magazine is too basic and plain, it does not show any other but just a letter. It does not show any clue or images of what music genre it might be. The colours used are basic red and white and for someone who has never read or seen Q magazine, I would expect by viewing the title it would be a sports/men magazine as the title is written in a fancy style and because of the colours. The Q leaves readers asking questions if they saw the title. The font is hard to review about the magazine and the meanings to it as there are no other extras included, it gives a clueless idea of the magazine and the meaning behind it but the way the title is written the magazine could be reaching out to audiences ranging from 16+ because of the style of the font and colours used which changes the type of magazine it could be.

The KERRANG! title represent that it is a rock magazine because of the way the title is presented with an exclamation mark at the end that could represent the tone of music the magazine views. The colours used is just black written in big bold capital letters to represent an obvious magazine type to their readers and attract their attention as the title is in capitals and black. The title KERRANG appeals that it is just a random word which attracted the producers of the magazine that could be from rock stars would use and shout out to their fans. The title views that the target audience could be towards readers from young age of 13+ and those that are interested in rock music.

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