What do you think of my magazine?

Thursday 11 February 2010

Analysing Magazine Front Covers #2

Kerrang music magazine;

The cover represents a Punk/rock music magazine.
Articles such as Music gossip on various artists and what’s been going on in the rock modern industry with information on tours and gigs of artist that’s soon to be performing around an area near you! will be included in the magazine.
The target audience the magazine is seeking for is a group of 15-18 years old but it also does not show a certain group it’s attracting as this music magazine is suitable for anyone who find interest in rock music and the artist it advertises on the front cover such as Paramore.
There is no specific age group pointed out with this magazine but usually set out for 15-19 would read this type of magazine.
The magazine’s interest is in Rock music advertising the upcoming bands such as Paramore and its events.
The magazine is an instant attention to the audience as the centre image of the lead singer in Paramore, leaning towards the reader and reaching out for your attention. It addresses the magazine with an exciting welcoming.
By the centre image on the magazine it applies a friendly relationship, one where you would like to keep attraction to the reader and keeping them entertained.
On the front cover presents a rock band called Paramore.
The anchorage text says “We were sick of it all” Secret conflict revealed.This can be implying that the artist or band in this case, of Paramore, its story behind the distance and break they took and the secrets of their problems.
The sort of message the artist is presenting is a bring back expression, shooting themselves out of the image as if they are leaning out towards you.
Paramore are represented on the front cover as the group's main attention positioned as the centre image.
The title block tells the audience that the magazine is based on rock music.
There are no slogans shown on the front cover.
The centre image on the magazine creates an attraction to the audience.
The colours used are mostly pink, yellow and white. It attracts attention to the words and phrases as they’re highlighted in bright pink.
The type of writing used on the magazine are all written in capital letters which is trying to state an immediate attention from the audience.

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