What do you think of my magazine?

Friday 12 February 2010

Double-page spread #2

The choice of band featured in the article is of a Hip Hop artist, GZA which represent the magazine as a hip hop genre therefore its targeted audience are towards readers who are interested in hip hop music.
The type of language used in the magazine is directly being told from GZA who is being interviewed by the magazine reporter, this includes slang and foul language – “IT’S FRUSTRATING SEEING RAPPERS TALKING ABOUT THE SAME SHIT ALL THE TIME, THERE’S SO MUCH TO WRITE ABOUT!” quoted directly from GZA.
The colours used in the article are mainly black and red. The use of red are features to represent the character such as the subtitle in the centre of the article. The colours are used as a Q&A style, red for the questions as the main interest and black for the answers.
The style of text is written in a formal layout and the text are direct speech. It also included dialog of GZA reaction – [chuckles].
The layout of the article is separated with a full page image of the artist GZA on the left page and the article on the right page with the heading pointed big and bold in red at the centre of the page.
The images and text has a page on its own for their features.
The tone of the magazine when addressing the reader is as though they are talking directly to them as the journalist as the article is laid out as an interview.
The image is showing a full length picture of GZA with the “ghetto” look and relaxed. The audience would see the image as a hip hop street style artist by the clothes GZA is wearing as it’s basic and plain with just jeans and a plain white t-shirt, so the style is simple.
The style of the article and the image of the front cover match well as the use of colour and the font text are similar and also used on the cover of the magazine such as the title.
The article does not demand a high status of knowledge about the artist itself as he has been introduced briefly at the beginning of the article. “He’s rated possibly the best emcee which most would consider to be the greatest rap group of all time”.

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