What do you think of my magazine?

Thursday 11 February 2010

Preliminary Contents Page

The content page has one image of a group of students working in a classroom environment with a subtitle; The Simple Life? this gives out a clearer idea that this magazine is in fact about the lives of students within the college.
The content page uses a font size 70/80 for its page title and at size 20 for the page numbers which are in white and their contents which are in orange, this is use of fonts distinguishes what-is-what on pages inside the magazine. Finally it uses a blue backdrop which is consistent with the front cover and also allows the text to stand out for clarity.
The arrangement on this page is minimal in style and therefore simple but also clear. The magazine is shown to have a mature purpose which is to inform others of student life in college again shown by the minimal design but still attractive in some extent.
There isn’t any promotional feature in this page; it simply shows what is in the magazine.
There is no magazine logo on this page.

Below shows the image I used for the preliminary contents page.

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