What do you think of my magazine?

Thursday 11 February 2010

Magazine Content page #2

The content page is from CLASH music magazine. It shows a full length image of an artist from a popular rock band called the Foo Fighters. It shows his character as the main image as they are news of the day in the magazine. It also presents few other images on the left side of the page who are featured in the magazine.
The style of the magazine is view in the centre bottom middle of the page with listings of what the magazine includes with headlines from Features, Ones to watch, Fashion and regulars. It’s a well presented content as it’s laid out in front of you under each page guide which makes it easier for readers to know what they are reading about. The presentation makes the magazine view as an indie magazine because of the colours and the information it shows with the artist.
The colours used are basic with mainly white writing with a blue background. It creates a melody feeling to the readers as the blue background isn’t so violent but a calm midnight blue. The colour used does not attract immediate attention to an alert topic but the image of the artist brings attention on what the image represents and the story behind it.
There are promotions or advertisement of orders which readers might be interested in to receive such as their fashion.

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