What do you think of my magazine?

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Magazine Images

These images shows the interview preperation of the new duo - LA Girls

This image will be used on the contents page.

This image will be used as my front cover centre image

These images above will be used on the double page spread article page of the interview.

First Draft: Interview with the new duo LA Girls

How did you form your band?
Our band was form through secondary school where all our talents were found through music in our lessons which became the first bonding.

How did you all meet?
We both met in secondary school and since then we have been good friends through the year.

Why did you decide to become a duo rather than solo?
We didn’t want to be solo because we have been good friends since school. We thought that it would be fun and we began to upload videos of our covers on YouTube. We ended up getting really good feedbacks which had motivated us to the idea of actually giving it a try.

What inspired you to form the name of your duo [band name]?
It was literally a random thought from looking at previous examples such as Wire, Kerrang, so why not [band name]?

What type of audiences is your music aiming at with the lyrics?
We don’t particularly have an audience that we are aiming at really. It’s more for any audience because really nowadays no one really has a certain genre that they listen to and they may like our lyrics rather than our music. Everyone has their own opinions and our lyrics may relate to their past experiences or lifestyle.

What is your single trying to impersonate towards the audience?
It’s mainly about our past experience and the lifestyle that we were in. Also about the problems we had at home.

Who creates the lyrics? Do you write your own?
We both contribute to writing the lyrics and our songs. We both have ideas for the songs and try to create it as one.

Who is your inspiration towards the music and the writing?
Erm, Kings of Leon, Biffy Clryo, Bon Jovi, Lost Prophets.

How did the industry find you? Who is your manager?
We were found on YouTube. Our manager, John Stevenage commented us through their and had liked our videos and wrote us a message to contact him. We didn’t expect anymore, we just expected just the audience comments. We both knew that it was unsafe as we didn’t know much about agents and that but John is a real achiever and also manage other groups as well.

Do you have any upcoming events/tours or even releasing a new single?
We haven’t confirmed anything just yet but hopefully by this summer or the beginning of 2011 we will have an event to inspire other artists to follow their dreams and passion.

Who are your supporters?
We have many supporters behind us such as our families and friends, especially the fans who have our back all the way. It’s much appreciated and the amount of effort we put in is from the support of everyone so we thank everyone for keeping us on our toes and sending in your help.

How would you feel becoming no.1?
Anii: Becoming number one would be the best thing ever to happen for both me and Looiie, it would be the best thing in the world and I hope one day we would reach the hits with most of our records and become a big success in the future as the most known duo.

Looiie: And also with the support of everyone and I hope our music inspires everyone to listen and buy our records, it will be the most helpful and encouraging support for us to try even harder.

Is there any artist you would like to combine and have a duet with?
Looiie: I wouldn’t mind having a duet with B.o.B, he is such an awesome artist and it would be cool to mix both of our music or Paramore who I really like. Their music is not so strong of rock and the lyrics are cool as well.

Anii: I wouldn’t mind having a duet with Ke$ha, she’s funny and so realistic well in her world. Her music is written with no care which music should be, lyrics of your own thoughts without concerning others and just pure fun.

What is the biggest thing a fan has done to see you?
Erm, I don’t know actually there hasn’t been much damage except for the one time when we went for a record signing and whilst walking through the crowd there was this one young teen who looked about 17 and he tried to grab Looiie for her attention to take a picture with and the securities just went mental. So I guess that was one crazy moment that we would be aware of. The crazy fans these days would just do anything don’t they? Being famous is mad.

Where would you like to tour around?
We have heard that we would be touring around New Zealand and around America of course. There isn’t any specific place I would like to go because I want to travel everywhere but the most popular of all would be Tokyo and Korea, it would be awesome to play over there and show them the different type of music America has towards the Japanese and Koreans. Hopefully a duet maybe with one of their top artist would be great not to compete but to have fun and I’m sure they would like the same to come back to America and gain an experience. But other than that anywhere and everywhere.

Where were you brought up?
Anii: Well I was brought up in Brooklyn, “the slums” known for the new Yorkers, but it really isn’t as bad as people think and say it is, maybe a murder every once a month? I joke. Brooklyn is actually pretty quiet when it comes to the night time but just down the road of each high street it’s madness with the clubhouse all living it up.

Looiie: I was brought up in LA, I know “fancy”. But after I moved to the city for high school and college because my parents moved but I prefer living in LA with the weather always hot and the people there are friendly whereas in New York it is a bit different. I would love to live in Australia later on in life though because it is such a beautiful place and I want to experience the living there.

Has being famous become what you expected?
Being famous is worst than I thought, one you hit fame your reality is gone you can hardly do anything you want and live a real life. There are too many people watching every step you take and you have to watch out with crazy unexpected strangers or “fans” behind you which is why there has to always be a security beside you or least notice of where you’re going. It’s like living in a tight world always walking on eggshells.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Magazine Title blocks

Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Title 4