What do you think of my magazine?

Thursday 15 October 2009

Rolling Stones: Britney Spears front covers

The image of Britney Spears frames the star in the centre of the page as being the centre of attention. The shot used in the image would be a high angle shot because it’s to represent Britney as more vulnerable. The typical type of this magazine is of a men magazine who would focus on the image of Britney, the body and the costume not caring about the headlines or text.

In this image Britney Spears is wearing a two pieces of lingerie with a open buttoned shirt and a soft toy of a character from the kids show Teletubies being hold against her on the left and on the right with Britney holding a telephone against her ears. The costume of what she wearing could represent her as a vulnerable yet still in power image. The magazine appeals to male attraction as she is revealing a sexual attention to all male audience.

The soft toy could represent Britney as the little girl who has it all with the phone representing the paparazzi’s could show Britney in the spotlight of fame and popularity.

The background of the image seems be to place Britney on top of a silk smooth purple bed covers. The material of silk as it’s an expensive material to buy it could represent Britney as a successful young pop star and the colour purple brings the royalty of her fame and lifestyle and the setting of the bed could represent a dream come true for the young star.

The prop of the soft toy which is for children could represent the Britney and her childhood. As she is only at the age of 17 and already in the pop star industry with all the fame and paparazzi chasing after her, she might not be ready to be growing up into a woman with the way she is still clinging onto the soft toy, this could mean Britney still wanting to hold on to her careless past times where she doesn’t need to worry about every step she takes without being stalked along the way.

The colours used in the image are purple black and white. The colour purple could represent Britney’s favourite colour. The colour of the purple is rich, royal and metallic type which brings out the image of Britney position and could represent the first step to her new life in the spotlight. The black and white pock dots underwear that Britney is wearing represents the innocent and vulnerable of how people see her or want to see her as, “the heart, mind and bedroom of a teen”. To be seen as she’s still an ordinary young teen.

This image shows Britney nude in a pose of her leaning against a wall. The shot used is a low angle shot where Britney is looking down onto the audience. This could represent Britney as still in power and attracting attention now that she has no one chasing after her since the break up with Justin, being known by the anchor text “On Justin, that kiss and being alone”.

The costume of what Britney is wearing is not much as she is just wearing a piece of brief posing in nude and leaning against the wall which gives a sexual attention to male readers. The attention Britney is attempting to strike out is a direct pose to the readers to believe that she doesn’t care about her past relationships and is moving on “strongly” as shown by the cover of the magazine and still has it all.

The setting of the image seems to be in a background of an empty room. The colour of the room is white which represent a clean, fresh start of Britney’s love cycle.

The lighting used in the image focuses on Britney’s body, the way light bounces off the white walls and falls upon the spotlight of Britney.

The colours used in the front cover are purple and white. The colour purple represents the vulnerable of the star and the fresh looking white bring out the main focus which is Britney and her body shape displayed on the cover. The colour also brings out the sexual attention the publisher is trying to send out to readers about Britney.

The close up image of Britney represents her feelings and expressions about a tragedy that had happened and how fragile she may be. The use of black and white signifies the pain and torture Britney may be suffering through this time with her eyes and mouth showing no expression which means she’s feeling numb.

The image has cropped out to be focused on just her face and the expression shown.

The relationship Britney is trying to reach out from the audience is support from her fans which is supported by the anchorage text “BRITNEY SPEARS INSIDE AN AMERICAN TRGEDY”. As a disaster had occurred which made Britney fame to go down, she entitled the cover to reach the attention of her fans and seeking attention for support and sympathy of readers.